Tuesday 25 March 2008

Another Crap Easter!

We ventured to the pub on Good Friday as the kids had gone to Grandads to play poker!

Marcus was moody with me for some reason and decided to cause another argument so he could go off in a huff and stay at his mates gaff, detouring on the way to the local cattle market (chicargo rock cafe)!

I warned him the following day that if he moved his stuff out I would not let him back.

I ended up going to the Woolly for a couple of white wines on Saturday afternoon, with my friends Jackie and Barney. (Where were you Si?)

Then off to the Fenman for a couple more where I found his Lordship drowning his sorrows!

He came home later and bought me a take-away. I think I am learning how to handle him at last, either that or I dont give a toss anymore!

My little man has had 7 more abscessess pop up on his bum, poor soul. He has been in so much pain. I rushed him to the out of hours GP at the hospital and he tested Liam's urine incase he was diabetic, but all it showed was a large amount of blood???? Doc gave him 2 lots of anti-biotics, one for the abscesses and one for the blood in his urine.

I have been so worried about him, and have made another appointment to see our GP this afternoon to ask for tests.

The ex husband turned up on Easter Monday with a mahoosive easter egg for each of the boys, (where the fuck is mine?? I gave birth to the little sods!!)

Diet has come to a definate stand-still and wont be helped any by my friend wanting to go for a fuck-off breakfast at the Globe this morning. 4 hours later and it is still repeating on me, so I decided to eat an Easter egg to push the sausage and bacon down, but now feel REALLY sick!!

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