Monday 31 March 2008

At Last Good News!

Yay! my wee man is coming home tomorrow.

I was sleeping off a particularly nasty nightshift and woke to find a text from the little fella to say he would be allowed home tuesday lunch time.

His war wounds on his bum are healing lovely and no more sickness. Not sure about the blood in his urine as they never checked yesterday so I asked them to re-check today.

Him indoors is at it again, surprise,surprise!

He is such a retard I cant even be bothered to write about him except to say I came home from my nightshift to find a note claiming I stole his money, and he had, had enough of me and was going to move out! oh what again! Change the tune love this one is seriously boring!

I wouldnt mind but the money in question was put in his underwear drawer and I text him last night to tell him where I had put it. He is seriously messed up!

This time I feel quite chilled, well it is the third time in March he has moved out. This time lets hope he goes and stays away, hopefully I will be strong enough not to let the little twat back!

Mind you he has got to actually leave first!


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