Tuesday 27 May 2008

Shitty Day

I am so fed up!

There is puppy shit everywhere, I have just got home from an NVQ study day that was totally crap and boring, the kids are on holiday eating me out of house and home. I had to bath the older westie cos she stank of, well, dog I suppose!

The puppies keep whining although they have been fed, watered and played with.

It is damp and miserable outside and I am part way through day 3 without the booze and I have put on a pound in those 2 days.

I rest my case, back on the bottle tonight me finks!

Well on the plus side, I have no more work til next monday, he went to work this morning without a pack-up (well I wasnt making it!), someone is coming to look at the puppies later so hopefully that will leave me 2 little boys left.

With a bit of luck they will want to take him away today as they are getting to be a chore. Mum has had enough of them too. Poor cow. Well there are 8 of them and I am not sure how many titties she has but it cant be fun for her now. Well they are almost 7 weeks and they are eating independantly 4 meals a day. Well fingers crossed.

I have a horrible feeling of unrest. I still hate him indoors, and I cant see it getting any better. Financially without him I am Fucked, so what do I do? It aint no fun being poor with 2 kids that eat like adults, to bring up, and a mortgage I cant afford on my own!

Now the 3 dogs I could sacrifice but the kids are not really an option.

I need a plan! It's always good to have a plan!

But what???

1 comment:

Eddie 2-Sox said...

If you know it's gone past repair start planning to move out. Lots of places to rent around and you get your first meeting with a lawyer for free.

If there's even a shred of hope about it then get your arses to relationship mediation as soon as possible.

You have to do what's best for your children, which I think you probably know already.